Understanding Everburn

Everburn is a fellowship and Discord network for hardcore FFXIV RPers with lore-compliant, minimally-modified characters to connect and make friends.It is a space cultivated for a “hardcore” immersion style of roleplay, adhering rather strictly to the lore of FFXIV— and a space considerate of people who play on console, as well as those who have no interest in mods.We are selective for characters that are grounded within the world of FFXIV, have lore-compliant names, and have unmodded or minimally-modded appearances.

Within the Server, One May Find...

A catalogue of character roleplay profiles.Public forum space for roleplaying within the server.A place to hang out, relax, chat about real-life activities and other interests, and receive moral support.A place to share art, and FFXIV-related memes, with each expansion having its own separate channel to help new players avoid spoilers.A place to share screenshots and discuss OCs.A place to find help with in-game content.A place to advertise events and FCs.A place to share lore resources and writing resources.Writing-exercise prompts to help flesh out characters.

Presently, the server is still very new. Current member count is 75+. Plans are in development for a variety of group roleplay events; some will be held in-game, some will be held within the server RP forums. The server owner is particularly interested in running oldschool DND hardcore dungeon crawl RP.We also have plans to hold non-RP events, like casual gposing sessions, and possibly anime/movie watching sessions, depending on the interests of the members.

Why the Exclusivity?

To understand Everburn, one must understand that fundamentally, RP is about writing collaboratively with others to have fun.When one roleplays for a specific fandom such as FFXIV, an essential concept is as thus: everyone plays by the same lore, the same framework, and the same rules. When you start doing your own thing by making custom lore about how you're a 12-foot-tall cyber-angel with antlers from another shard, you’re breaking away from the source content— breaking away from that shared immersion and collaboration— to make your RP about wish-fulfilment as well as self-insert power fantasy.When you don’t agree to play by the same rules as others, you often start stepping on other people’s toes, which goes against the pro-social aspect of RP; the spirit of RP is that you are writing for others as well, not just for yourself. Additionally, there’s a reason why in standard FFXIV RP, the MSQ events and characters are glossed over as much as possible: our characters can’t ALL be the WOL Scion of the Seventh Dawn who has the Echo, Hydaelyn’s Blessing, and is dating G’raha Tia. Furthermore, characters’ personal stories exist at varying states in the MSQ, not always at the current expansion.Everburn was created for people who want to respect the lore of the game, respect immersion, and respect the collaborative spirit of RP— people who understand that good writing is what makes an RP character compelling, not how many mods or special quirky powers they have.

Everburn Tenets

[ Maturity, Civility, Social Awareness, Empathy,
Self-Improvement, Respect. ]
We must be dutiful in remembering there is a real-life person with feelings beyond the screen when we interact with others online. This is a positive, pro-social environment; insults, harassment, creepiness, stalking, petty drama, or self-centeredness will not be tolerated.Pro-social definition: Friendly interaction, sharing, comforting, cooperating, protecting, showing kindness, caring for your environment, respecting people’s time.Everburn is a NSFW-friendly and kink-friendly space. Upon joining the server, you can opt-in to access the NSFW channels which are hidden by default and have their own set of rules. All NSFW must be spoilered and put in the proper channel based upon the intensity. There are four tiers of intensity:
1. Vanilla, 2. Medium, 3. Spicy, 4. Dark/Gruesome.
This server is LGBTQIA+ and POC friendly. We will not allow race-fetishizing, trans-fetishizing, or intersex-fetishizing, including characters labelled as futas, cuntboys, hermaphrodites and the like.This server is anti-pedophilia and anti-IRL abuse.This is not a space for holding serious discussions about real-life religion and politics.Respecting fellow server members is a must for membership. Oppressive behaviors will not be tolerated. You will swiftly be yeeted from the server if you demonstrate that you can’t behave as a nice adult.While some frustration with the Modbeast serengeti out there is understandable, Everburn does not support bullying other players. Everyone likes to play the game in different ways, simple as that. They have their spaces, this is ours.

Applying to the Server

Before applying, some things to know:As long as you make a lore-respecting character and are willing to learn, beginner RPers are welcome. Things like grammar and literacy are important, but we WILL be understanding of people whose first language is not English.This server has opt-in for NSFW channels. You and your characters must be at least 20 years old to join.

A non-comprehensive list of UNACCEPTABLE character traits and modifications:

  • Names that are not passably lore-friendly and can’t be justified by backstory/alias.

  • Over-the-top tattoos that don’t fit the game’s style.

  • Exaggerated proportions, poses, or strange unexplained anatomy modifications.

  • Characters that look like they belong in IMVU or Sims.

  • Textures, hair, clothing, or sculpts that don’t fit the game’s style.

  • Custom heights far outside of the character creator ranges. We are not having dick measuring contests over who has the tallest character on the planet. If you want to be crazy tall, play a Garlean. Anyone taller than Varis (8’8/264cm) is a big NO.

  • Non-canon races. In addition, things like beast tribe races, Ascians, Voidsent, shard travelers, hybrid species, or WOLs will be scrutinized heavily and probably not allowed unless expertly written.

  • Overly modern clothing outside of appropriate settings, such as Solution 9.

  • Unlikely hybrid species. Be mindful that the only known confirmed hybrids possible are Hyur/Elezen, Hyur/Garlean, and Hyur/Au Ra. Please don’t mix the furries, who have ear holes at the top of their head, with the non-furries, unless your character is intentionally an escaped Allagan abomination running around.

A non-comprehensive list of ACCEPTABLE character traits and modifications:

  • Characters with lore-friendly names from other clans, such as a Hellsguard with a Sea Wolf name, or a conscript with a Garlean name, anything that can be explained by backstory.

  • Some improperly-named characters can still pass if they use it as a nickname or alias; for example, a Blue Mage named “Great Azuro” providing the name “Martyn Goodfellow” as his real name would be allowed.

  • Gear and hair mods that fit the game’s style, such as mashup mods.

  • Slight modifications to body shape, like making your character chubby or fat, or a few inches taller or shorter than the creator allows.

  • Face textures to make your character look older, have burns, etc.

  • A Garlean third eye for Garleans; a black third eye for mixed Garleans.

  • Au Ra with horns from another face shape.

  • NSFW mods with realistic proportions and anatomy; this includes scalie or furry genitalia for the scalies and furries.

  • Biologically sensible hybrids, such as a Hyur/Roegadyn that looks like a Hyur with the distinct Hellsguard nose, might be permitted if it can be explained by backstory.

All will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Auto-accept = minimally-modded appearance, lore-compliant name, lore-compliant character concept and backstory.
If your application is unapproved, you will be given feedback stating why. You are welcome to alter your character or make a new character to fit in with the server expectations and then reapply. If you want help making a lore-friendly character, we can help you.Lastly, before you proceed… have conviction. Many people like the idea of RP, but flake when it’s time to put in the effort and commitment. Or they expect their perfect RP experience to drop into their laps without any work on their part. We desire those with the maturity to be honest, proactively communicate issues to their partners, and not waste anyone’s time.

Frequently Addressed Qualms

There is quite a bit of talk about NSFW on this carrd. Is Everburn a NSFW-heavy space?No. Be assured that Everburn is NOT heavy on ERP. In fact, the owner of the server is asexual. A lot of RP servers do not allow NSFW, and the owner wanted to create a space where there is freedom for that kind of thing within reason. The intention was to make it crystal clear what will and won't be allowed in the server, since many NSFW-permitting spaces are full of drama and problematic things such as racism, sex pests trying to force their kinks onto others, uncensored NSFW being blasted in people's faces, and such.Upon joining the server, you can press a role-assign button that lets you choose if you want the NSFW channels to appear, or remain fully hidden. It can be changed at any time.Is this a Free Company?No. Everburn is, first and foremost, a Discord server to connect with lore-abiding RP characters, and a community of FFXIV players to hang out with. We have an in-game Fellowship and Cross-World Linkshell, but the primary activity hub is the Discord.My character has a lore-compliant backstory and appearance, but not a lore-compliant name. I have grown attached to my character’s name and don’t want to change it. Can I still join?Unless you can come up with a very solid, well-written reasoning for why your character has their unusual name, unfortunately, it won’t be allowed.My character has had a fantasia as part of their story. Will that affect my application?Currently, fantasias are on the border of canon and non-canon. Realistically, if they existed, they would be a very rare, expensive, and precious commodity. If you can come up with a well-written reasoning for your character having one as part of their story, it MIGHT be permitted, if it is used for something like a slight appearance change or sex change (for the trans characters). A permanent drastic change of species will not be allowed.I am a Modbeast who found this carrd upsetting.Sorry. The intention with this carrd is to recruit
like-minded individuals who enjoy hardcore lore compliance, not to hurt anyone’s feelings. There are a lot of people out there who are happy to RP with any character, regardless of lore compliance/mods. All the server owner wants is for roleplayers to self-reflect... that perhaps not everyone has fun roleplaying with a character who insists upon being more powerful and taller and cooler and more special than everyone else. If your character is simply an OC for yourself and your close friends, that’s fine, we love a good self-insert OC, but when it comes to public roleplaying, you really have to consider the fun of other players as well.
Our carrd is intentionally designed to help filter out people who can’t tolerate mild criticism or differences of opinion, AKA the kinds of people most likely to start drama. A metaphorical "ooga booga" for people who think different RP styles are scary. If you disagree with the guidelines, that's fine! There are plenty of groups out there better suited to you. For more help, try reading this: https://plausiblydeniable.com/five-geek-social-fallacies/We do not support bullying and publicly shaming or mocking anyone; members that do so will be disciplined.I think my hybrid character should be allowed. They just look identical to the race of one parent.If we consider all of the playable races of the game as having the equal potential to intermix– ignoring real-life biology– then all of them must be equally allowed, even a Hrothgar/Lalafell mix. (Do we really want that...?) Regardless of entertaining that possibility, the lore of the game as it stands implies hybrids are very rare. If many hybrids are allowed within the server, it ruins the idea that they are rare. So, unfortunately, most of them will not be allowed. If you can come up with a very well-written reasoning for why being a hybrid is important to your character's story, it MIGHT be allowed.If existing as a hybrid isn't crucial to your character's story, you can apply with a version of your character that is simply the species they appear as.I applied but was never contacted by staff.Either your Discord was not open to accepting friend requests, or your application did not go through. Most applicants should receive a response within 24 hours.What’s up with the edgy Lahabrea background bro?Everburn is named after a mechanic in P8S, which features Lahabrea. Also, that Ascian cloak resembles the cloak of a DND dungeon master, and it’s totally cool.Jyack?
No Jyack.

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Wineport Event No. 1

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